Defensive Driving Course

The goal of the Defensive Driving Course is to reduce the frequency and severity of costly motor vehicle accidents. The intent is also to reduce the organization liability and insurance cost by educating the drivers on the safety of performing their job. We use J.J. Keller, Inc. materials which is the nationally recognized leader in transportation safety.

The course will include video, discussion, hands-on demonstrations, and a written exam so the employer maintains the legally required training documentation for their drivers.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 3203

Class Duration:

8 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video

Class Objectives:

  • Module 1: Principle of Defensive Driving
  • Module 2: California Motor Vehicle Regulations
  • Module 3: Speed & Space Management
  • Module 4: Pre-trip Vehicle Inspection
  • Module 5: Safe Backing
  • Module 6: Cargo Securing Procedures
  • Module 7: Truck Fire Prevention
  • Module 8: Accident Procedures
  • Module 9: Drug and Alcohol and the Truck Driver

At the conclusion of the class, each participant will take a written examination and complete a course evaluation.

NOTE: Behind the wheel driver evaluations are also available.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 3203

Class Duration:

8 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video