Hazardous Waste Handling


This course is designed to meet the requirements of facility personnel who handle hazardous waste. Employees must successfully complete the program requirements listed below within six months after the date of their employment. Annual refresher training is also required.

Compliance Reference:

T22 CCR 66262.34(01)(2) | 40 CFR 260-265

Class Duration:

8 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual

Class Objectives:

At the completion of this training session, participants will achieve all of the following objectives.

  • Hazardous waste management procedures (including contingency plan implementation) relevant to the positions in which participants are employed.
  • Emergency procedures, emergency equipment, and emergency systems.
  • Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency and monitoring equipment.
  • Key parameters for automatic waste feed cut-off systems
  • Response to fire or explosions
  • Response to ground-water contamination incidents.
  • Shutdown of operations

At the conclusion of the class, each participant will take a written examination and complete a course evaluation.


Compliance Reference:

T22 CCR 66262.34(01)(2) | 40 CFR 260-265

Class Duration:

8 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual