10 or 30-Hour Construction Safety and Health Course
This course introduces OSHA policies, procedures and standards as well as construction safety and health principles. The course will review the scope and application of the OSHA Act and General Duty Clause, as well as examine areas that are most hazardous.
T8 CCR 1509, 1510
Construction Safety
Mobile Crane Operator Training
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces.
ASME B 30.5 | 29 CFR 1910.180, 1926.550
Construction Safety
Accident Investigation
When an accident happens in the workplace, a thorough and complete accident investigation must be conducted in order to prevent similar mishaps in the future, and to comply with legal and policy standards. As a supervisor or team leader, you are the person most likely to be called upon to investigate any accident that occurs in your work area. If that investigation is to be meaningful, it has to:
identify ALL of the causes of the accident; and
provide appropriate recommendations for corrective actions to either eliminate or control those causes
This module explains how to systematically gather and analyze the information you need to develop recommendations for preventing similar accidents. It also explains how you can use the information from an accident investigation to improve the way you manage health, safety, and the environment.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
Aerial Devices/Scissor Lift Safety
Working on elevated surfaces while operating equipment is a significant cause of serious accidents. This course will examine the potential hazards, capabilities, limitations, safety features and operations characteristics of aerial devices and scissor lifts. Course will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 3648
Construction Safety
Asbestos Worker Training (Class III)
Class III asbestos work means repair and maintenance operations, where “ACM”, including thermal system insulation and surfacing, is likely to be disturbed.
29 CFR 5208, 1926.1101(k)(9)
Construction Safety
Asbestos Safety (Awareness Level)
Thousands of workers such as electricians, construction workers and maintenance personnel come in contact with, and work in environments where asbestos is present. The law requires awareness training with the purpose of preventing occupational injury or illness.
T8 CCR 1529, 5208 | 29 CFR 1910.1001
Construction Safety
Back Injury Prevention Safety Lifting
The goal of this program is to increase the participant’s knowledge of safe lifting techniques and other ways to prevent back strains and injuries.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
This program will review the safety aspects of backhoe/loader equipment. Although many workers have previous experience operating a backhoe/loader, many serious accidents occur every year involving this equipment. These accidents are primarily caused by the lack of emphasis on the safety aspects of the equipment.
T8 CCR 1590-1596
Construction Safety
Boom (Bucket) Truck Safety
Working on elevated surfaces while operating equipment is a significant cause of serious accidents. This course will examine the potential hazards, capabilities, limitations, safety features and operations characteristics of boom and bucket trucks. Course will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 3648
Construction Safety
Chlorine Safe Handling
The goal of this course is to thoroughly review the importance of Chlorine Handling Safety procedures. The program will also include inspection of a work area.
T8 CCR 5192, 5194
Construction Safety
Confined Space Entry Training
The primary reason workers die during confined space entry is because of lack of thorough training. The goal of this program is to comprehensively address, in both theory and practical exercises, the vital knowledge necessary to safely participate in Confined Space Entry Operations.
According to NIOSH, 50% of the workers who die are attempting to rescue a fellow worker. This course increases knowledge of hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry.Topics include the OSHA required confined space entry standard, hazards associated with entry procedures, personal protective equipment, ventilation and purging requirements. Furthermore, it will meet the rescue requirements of 29 CFR 1910.146 and NFPA 1670 (Technical Rescue).Following successful completion, the student will have the skills and knowledge to perform confined space rescues and assist emergency responders.The training will be accomplished through lecture, manipulative skill demonstration/performance, scenario participation and the use of atmospheric monitoring equipment and various rescue equipment.
T8 CCR 5157, 5158 | 29 CFR 1910.146
Construction Safety
CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens & AED
The goal of this hands-on class is to prepare the individual to competently respond, and provide basic first aid to a sick or injured person until professional help arrives.
T8 CCR 3400, 1512 | 29 CFR 1910.151
Construction Safety
Mobile Cranes Under 15,000 lbs.
The purpose of this classroom and practical hands-on training course is to increase employee awareness of the safety, engineering principles and safe operating practices regarding lifting equipment.NOTE: Training will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 5006 | 29 CFR 1910.179-184
Construction Safety
Drug & Alcohol Substance Abuse Program
Each employer shall provide to all designated supervisory personnel on reasonable suspicion on alcohol misuse and controlled substances. This training also includes supervisory personnel which supervises workers covered under the Employers Substance Abuse Policy which performs others safety-sensitive functions.
49 CFR FMCSA Part 40, Subpart 382.601-382.603
Construction Safety
Electrical Safety & Lockout/Tagout Program
The purpose of this class is to familiarize employees with Lockout/Tagout processes.
T8 CCR 3314 | 29 CFR 1910.147
Construction Safety
2018 Electrical Safety NFPA 70E Arc Flash
According to the National Safety Counfil, the devastating effects of electrical shocks and burns account for 30,000 non-fatal and more than 1000 fatal accidents each year.
T8 CCR 3314 | NFPA 70E
Construction Safety
Fall Protection Training
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces. This will help workers on ladders, scaffolding, risers, and open elevated areas.
T8 CCR 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157
Construction Safety
Fire Prevention/Extinguisher Use
The goal of this program is to increase the participant’s knowledge of fire hazards and fire prevention methods. Participants will learn how to utilize fire extinguishers properly through hands-on instruction.
T8 CCR 3221, 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157
Construction Safety
Fire Watch Training for Hotwork
To properly train personnel responsible and designated to perform fire watch duties during; cutting, grinding, welding, and similar operations.
29 CFR 1910.252 | NFPA 51
Construction Safety
Forklift & Industrial Power Truck Operator Safety
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces.
T8 CCR 3668 | 29 CFR 1910.178
Construction Safety
Forklift & Industrial Power Truck Train-the-Trainer Program
To participate in this class, one must posses a current Forklift Operator Certificate and be able to communicate and present information in front of a class.
T8 CCR 3668 | 29 CFR 1910.178
Construction Safety
Hand & Power Tool Safety
The purpose of this module is to teach you to work with your coworkers to eliminate the incidents caused by hand tools and portable power tools. You will learn safe procedures and the causes of the most frequent incidents. You will also learn to control or eliminate hazards associated with hand tools and portable power tools.
T8 CCR 3556
Construction Safety
Hearing Conservation
The goal of this workshop is to inform employees of the benefits of a Hearing Conservation Program and the purpose of Audiometric Testing.
T8 CCR 5095 | 29 CFR 1910.95
Construction Safety
Heat Illness Prevention
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal OSHA) has submitted proposed emergency regulations for heat stress management to the state Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board and has asked the board to adopt them immediately. California law requires employers to identify and evaluate workplace hazards and take the steps necessary to address them. This is mandatory training.
T8 CCR 3395
Construction Safety
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety (H2S)
The goal of this course is to teach employees how to recognize where H2S is likely to be encountered, and the safe operation practices to prevent exposure which can lead to severe injury or death.
T8 CCR 5194 | 29 CFR 1910.1200
Construction Safety
Lead Training (Awareness Level)
The purpose of this course is to teach employees how to identify, and utilize safe work practices in response to lead exposure while performing their duties.
T8 CCR 1532 | 29 CFR 1910.1025
Construction Safety
Machine Guarding Safety
The goal of this course is to provide a wide spectrum overview knowledge to Supervisors, Managers and Maintenance Personnel on the importance of effective machine guarding methods.
The goal of this training session is to emphasize the importance of the proper selection, use, sanitation and storage of respirators.
T8 CCR 5144 | 29 CFR 1910.134
Construction Safety
Qualified Signal Person and Rigger Training
The purpose of this course is to communicate the fundamental skills critical to safe rigging and material handling safety. The course will cover lecture, PowerPoints, DVD, practical application, and will be tailored to cover your rigging techniques relevant to your opeation. Additional hands-on practical application exercises will be conducted to reinforce these very importanat skills.The employee must provide rigging equipment, sample materials, and a safety wroking area. Hard hats, safety vests, and gloves will be required. If warranted, your insturctor will offer recommendations reagarding equipmeent and safe work practices.This is not a certified crane operator course; however, it places emphasis on the very important concepts and practices.
T8 CCR 5003, 5042-5048
Construction Safety
Scaffolding Safety Program
Serious injuries and deaths occur as a result of not being trained on the hazards and safe practices of using scaffolds. The goal of this program is to teach the hazard recognition and the safe methods of working with scaffolding and to prevent injuries and deaths.
T8 CCR 1637
Construction Safety
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
The goal of this course is to increase the employee’s familiarization with, and confidence in, the use of the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
T8 CCR 5144 | 29 CFR 1910.134
Construction Safety
Sexual Harassment Training
The purpose of this presentation is to clearly present the new legal requirements mandated by state law, in order to educate your employees, supervisors, and managers. the goal is to prevent and help to eliminate this potential serious problems from your workplace. It is recommenced that a representative of the Human Resources Department be present at these meetings.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1825 Fair Employement & Housing Act, Government Code Section 12940(a), (h), and (i)
Construction Safety
Traffic Control Flagger, Barricades & Warning Signs
Each year hundreds of workers are injured or killed while working on California roadways. This program has been designed to provide standards and guidelines, as well as effective methods of creating safe and workable traffic control zones for roadway construction and maintenance operations. The safe methods, techniques and applicable State of California Motor Vehicle Code requirements of the traffic controls for construction and maintenance work zones will be covered.
T8 CCR 1597-1599
Construction Safety
Trenching & Shoring (Competent Person)
According to statistics, many workers lose their lives unnecessarily by being crushed or suffocated while working in trenching and excavating operations.The goals of this program are to provide specific knowledge about soil classifications, protective systems, and recognition of excavation hazards to enable workers to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate possible hazards.
T8 CCR 1540, 1541
Construction Safety
Active Shooter – Violence in the Workplace
This course will cover active shooter procedures and protocols to follow in the event of this type of emergency. We will examine the issues of workplace violence, the fastest growing cause of injury and death in most states. Managers, supervisors, or anyone else who hires and fires will learn how they can reduce the risk of violence at their company.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
Welding and Compressed Gases Safety Program
Although most welders have previously completed a trade apprenticeship program, the law requires employers to conduct and document training efforts. The purpose of this program is to review the hazards and Safe Work Practices, and perform an inspection of the work area.
T8 CCR 4799 |29 CFR 1910.251
Construction Safety
Silica Worker & Supervisor Training
Designed to comply with respirable crystalline silica OSHA & Cal OSHA training requirements.
T8 CCR 1532.3
Construction Safety
Heavy Equipment Training: Bobcat – Excavator – Front Loader
The goal of this training is to highlight hazard recognition, safe transportation, inspection procedures, and safe work practices.NOTE: This is not a new operator training course.
T8 CCR 1510, 3203
Construction Safety
Workplace Violence Prevention Training
This course will cover workplace violence prevention policies and protocols, including active shooter procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. The course will examine the impact of workplace violence, types of workplace violence, and OSHA and state requirements. Participants will learn to develop a written workplace violence plan, recognize risk factors and warning signs of violence, and implement strategies to prevent and reduce workplace violence. The training will also cover response actions and training employees on workplace violence.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
Class Name
Class Category
10 or 30-Hour Construction Safety and Health Course
This course introduces OSHA policies, procedures and standards as well as construction safety and health principles. The course will review the scope and application of the OSHA Act and General Duty Clause, as well as examine areas that are most hazardous.
T8 CCR 1509, 1510
Construction Safety
Mobile Crane Operator Training
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces.
ASME B 30.5 | 29 CFR 1910.180, 1926.550
Construction Safety
Accident Investigation
When an accident happens in the workplace, a thorough and complete accident investigation must be conducted in order to prevent similar mishaps in the future, and to comply with legal and policy standards. As a supervisor or team leader, you are the person most likely to be called upon to investigate any accident that occurs in your work area. If that investigation is to be meaningful, it has to:
identify ALL of the causes of the accident; and
provide appropriate recommendations for corrective actions to either eliminate or control those causes
This module explains how to systematically gather and analyze the information you need to develop recommendations for preventing similar accidents. It also explains how you can use the information from an accident investigation to improve the way you manage health, safety, and the environment.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
Aerial Devices/Scissor Lift Safety
Working on elevated surfaces while operating equipment is a significant cause of serious accidents. This course will examine the potential hazards, capabilities, limitations, safety features and operations characteristics of aerial devices and scissor lifts. Course will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 3648
Construction Safety
Asbestos Worker Training (Class III)
Class III asbestos work means repair and maintenance operations, where “ACM”, including thermal system insulation and surfacing, is likely to be disturbed.
29 CFR 5208, 1926.1101(k)(9)
Construction Safety
Asbestos Safety (Awareness Level)
Thousands of workers such as electricians, construction workers and maintenance personnel come in contact with, and work in environments where asbestos is present. The law requires awareness training with the purpose of preventing occupational injury or illness.
T8 CCR 1529, 5208 | 29 CFR 1910.1001
Construction Safety
Back Injury Prevention Safety Lifting
The goal of this program is to increase the participant's knowledge of safe lifting techniques and other ways to prevent back strains and injuries.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
This program will review the safety aspects of backhoe/loader equipment. Although many workers have previous experience operating a backhoe/loader, many serious accidents occur every year involving this equipment. These accidents are primarily caused by the lack of emphasis on the safety aspects of the equipment.
T8 CCR 1590-1596
Construction Safety
Boom (Bucket) Truck Safety
Working on elevated surfaces while operating equipment is a significant cause of serious accidents. This course will examine the potential hazards, capabilities, limitations, safety features and operations characteristics of boom and bucket trucks. Course will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 3648
Construction Safety
Chlorine Safe Handling
The goal of this course is to thoroughly review the importance of Chlorine Handling Safety procedures. The program will also include inspection of a work area.
T8 CCR 5192, 5194
Construction Safety
Confined Space Entry Training
The primary reason workers die during confined space entry is because of lack of thorough training. The goal of this program is to comprehensively address, in both theory and practical exercises, the vital knowledge necessary to safely participate in Confined Space Entry Operations.
According to NIOSH, 50% of the workers who die are attempting to rescue a fellow worker. This course increases knowledge of hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry.Topics include the OSHA required confined space entry standard, hazards associated with entry procedures, personal protective equipment, ventilation and purging requirements. Furthermore, it will meet the rescue requirements of 29 CFR 1910.146 and NFPA 1670 (Technical Rescue).Following successful completion, the student will have the skills and knowledge to perform confined space rescues and assist emergency responders.The training will be accomplished through lecture, manipulative skill demonstration/performance, scenario participation and the use of atmospheric monitoring equipment and various rescue equipment.
T8 CCR 5157, 5158 | 29 CFR 1910.146
Construction Safety
CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens & AED
The goal of this hands-on class is to prepare the individual to competently respond, and provide basic first aid to a sick or injured person until professional help arrives.
T8 CCR 3400, 1512 | 29 CFR 1910.151
Construction Safety
Mobile Cranes Under 15,000 lbs.
The purpose of this classroom and practical hands-on training course is to increase employee awareness of the safety, engineering principles and safe operating practices regarding lifting equipment.NOTE: Training will be equipment specific.
T8 CCR 5006 | 29 CFR 1910.179-184
Construction Safety
Drug & Alcohol Substance Abuse Program
Each employer shall provide to all designated supervisory personnel on reasonable suspicion on alcohol misuse and controlled substances. This training also includes supervisory personnel which supervises workers covered under the Employers Substance Abuse Policy which performs others safety-sensitive functions.
49 CFR FMCSA Part 40, Subpart 382.601-382.603
Construction Safety
Electrical Safety & Lockout/Tagout Program
The purpose of this class is to familiarize employees with Lockout/Tagout processes.
T8 CCR 3314 | 29 CFR 1910.147
Construction Safety
2018 Electrical Safety NFPA 70E Arc Flash
According to the National Safety Counfil, the devastating effects of electrical shocks and burns account for 30,000 non-fatal and more than 1000 fatal accidents each year.
T8 CCR 3314 | NFPA 70E
Construction Safety
Fall Protection Training
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces. This will help workers on ladders, scaffolding, risers, and open elevated areas.
T8 CCR 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157
Construction Safety
Fire Prevention/Extinguisher Use
The goal of this program is to increase the participant's knowledge of fire hazards and fire prevention methods. Participants will learn how to utilize fire extinguishers properly through hands-on instruction.
T8 CCR 3221, 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157
Construction Safety
Fire Watch Training for Hotwork
To properly train personnel responsible and designated to perform fire watch duties during; cutting, grinding, welding, and similar operations.
29 CFR 1910.252 | NFPA 51
Construction Safety
Forklift & Industrial Power Truck Operator Safety
The goal of this comprehensive employee training program is to prevent injuries and death due to falls while working on elevated surfaces.
T8 CCR 3668 | 29 CFR 1910.178
Construction Safety
Forklift & Industrial Power Truck Train-the-Trainer Program
To participate in this class, one must posses a current Forklift Operator Certificate and be able to communicate and present information in front of a class.
T8 CCR 3668 | 29 CFR 1910.178
Construction Safety
Hand & Power Tool Safety
The purpose of this module is to teach you to work with your coworkers to eliminate the incidents caused by hand tools and portable power tools. You will learn safe procedures and the causes of the most frequent incidents. You will also learn to control or eliminate hazards associated with hand tools and portable power tools.
T8 CCR 3556
Construction Safety
Hearing Conservation
The goal of this workshop is to inform employees of the benefits of a Hearing Conservation Program and the purpose of Audiometric Testing.
T8 CCR 5095 | 29 CFR 1910.95
Construction Safety
Heat Illness Prevention
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal OSHA) has submitted proposed emergency regulations for heat stress management to the state Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board and has asked the board to adopt them immediately. California law requires employers to identify and evaluate workplace hazards and take the steps necessary to address them. This is mandatory training.
T8 CCR 3395
Construction Safety
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety (H2S)
The goal of this course is to teach employees how to recognize where H2S is likely to be encountered, and the safe operation practices to prevent exposure which can lead to severe injury or death.
T8 CCR 5194 | 29 CFR 1910.1200
Construction Safety
Lead Training (Awareness Level)
The purpose of this course is to teach employees how to identify, and utilize safe work practices in response to lead exposure while performing their duties.
T8 CCR 1532 | 29 CFR 1910.1025
Construction Safety
Machine Guarding Safety
The goal of this course is to provide a wide spectrum overview knowledge to Supervisors, Managers and Maintenance Personnel on the importance of effective machine guarding methods.
The goal of this training session is to emphasize the importance of the proper selection, use, sanitation and storage of respirators.
T8 CCR 5144 | 29 CFR 1910.134
Construction Safety
Qualified Signal Person and Rigger Training
The purpose of this course is to communicate the fundamental skills critical to safe rigging and material handling safety. The course will cover lecture, PowerPoints, DVD, practical application, and will be tailored to cover your rigging techniques relevant to your opeation. Additional hands-on practical application exercises will be conducted to reinforce these very importanat skills.The employee must provide rigging equipment, sample materials, and a safety wroking area. Hard hats, safety vests, and gloves will be required. If warranted, your insturctor will offer recommendations reagarding equipmeent and safe work practices.This is not a certified crane operator course; however, it places emphasis on the very important concepts and practices.
T8 CCR 5003, 5042-5048
Construction Safety
Scaffolding Safety Program
Serious injuries and deaths occur as a result of not being trained on the hazards and safe practices of using scaffolds. The goal of this program is to teach the hazard recognition and the safe methods of working with scaffolding and to prevent injuries and deaths.
T8 CCR 1637
Construction Safety
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
The goal of this course is to increase the employee's familiarization with, and confidence in, the use of the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
T8 CCR 5144 | 29 CFR 1910.134
Construction Safety
Sexual Harassment Training
The purpose of this presentation is to clearly present the new legal requirements mandated by state law, in order to educate your employees, supervisors, and managers. the goal is to prevent and help to eliminate this potential serious problems from your workplace. It is recommenced that a representative of the Human Resources Department be present at these meetings.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1825 Fair Employement & Housing Act, Government Code Section 12940(a), (h), and (i)
Construction Safety
Traffic Control Flagger, Barricades & Warning Signs
Each year hundreds of workers are injured or killed while working on California roadways. This program has been designed to provide standards and guidelines, as well as effective methods of creating safe and workable traffic control zones for roadway construction and maintenance operations. The safe methods, techniques and applicable State of California Motor Vehicle Code requirements of the traffic controls for construction and maintenance work zones will be covered.
T8 CCR 1597-1599
Construction Safety
Trenching & Shoring (Competent Person)
According to statistics, many workers lose their lives unnecessarily by being crushed or suffocated while working in trenching and excavating operations.The goals of this program are to provide specific knowledge about soil classifications, protective systems, and recognition of excavation hazards to enable workers to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate possible hazards.
T8 CCR 1540, 1541
Construction Safety
Active Shooter - Violence in the Workplace
This course will cover active shooter procedures and protocols to follow in the event of this type of emergency. We will examine the issues of workplace violence, the fastest growing cause of injury and death in most states. Managers, supervisors, or anyone else who hires and fires will learn how they can reduce the risk of violence at their company.
T8 CCR 3203
Construction Safety
Welding and Compressed Gases Safety Program
Although most welders have previously completed a trade apprenticeship program, the law requires employers to conduct and document training efforts. The purpose of this program is to review the hazards and Safe Work Practices, and perform an inspection of the work area.
T8 CCR 4799 |29 CFR 1910.251
Construction Safety
Silica Worker & Supervisor Training
Designed to comply with respirable crystalline silica OSHA & Cal OSHA training requirements.
T8 CCR 1532.3
Construction Safety
Heavy Equipment Training: Bobcat - Excavator - Front Loader
The goal of this training is to highlight hazard recognition, safe transportation, inspection procedures, and safe work practices.NOTE: This is not a new operator training course.
T8 CCR 1510, 3203
Construction Safety
Workplace Violence Prevention Training
This course will cover workplace violence prevention policies and protocols, including active shooter procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. The course will examine the impact of workplace violence, types of workplace violence, and OSHA and state requirements. Participants will learn to develop a written workplace violence plan, recognize risk factors and warning signs of violence, and implement strategies to prevent and reduce workplace violence. The training will also cover response actions and training employees on workplace violence.