Asbestos Safety (Awareness Level)

Thousands of workers such as electricians, construction workers and maintenance personnel come in contact with, and work in environments where asbestos is present. The law requires awareness training with the purpose of preventing occupational injury or illness.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 1529, 5208 | 29 CFR 1910.1001

Class Duration:

4 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video

Class Objectives:

At the completion of this training session, the participants will be acquainted with the following information:

  • Asbestos-related illnesses
  • Asbestos exposure and action levels
  • Asbestos in the work area
  • Keeping asbestos fibers out of the air
  • Protective clothing
  • Reducing the risk of asbestos exposure
  • Asbestos in construction environments

At the conclusion of the class, each participant will take a written examination and complete a course evaluation.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 1529, 5208 | 29 CFR 1910.1001

Class Duration:

4 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video