Fire Prevention/Extinguisher Use

The goal of this program is to increase the participant’s knowledge of fire hazards and fire prevention methods. Participants will learn how to utilize fire extinguishers properly through hands-on instruction.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 3221, 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157

Class Duration:

2 to 4 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video

Class Objectives:

At the completion of this training session, the participants will be acquainted with the following information:

  • The facility’s Fire Prevention Plan
  • How fires start
  • How fires are classified
  • How to prevent fire
  • When not to fight a fire
  • Identifying the proper fire extinguisher for different types of fires
  • Flammable Liquids
  • Fire watch responsibilities
  • Hot work permit
  • Inspecting your fire extinguishers
  • Evacuating a burning building
  • What to do if trapped in a burning building
  • Hands-on fire extinguisher practice

At the conclusion of the class, each participant will take a written examination and complete a course evaluation.

Compliance Reference:

T8 CCR 3221, 6151 | 29 CFR 1910.157

Class Duration:

2 to 4 hours

Language Options:

English, Spanish



Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video