Sexual Harassment Training

The purpose of this presentation is to clearly present the new legal requirements mandated by state law, in order to educate your employees, supervisors, and managers. the goal is to prevent and help to eliminate this potential serious problems from your workplace. It is recommenced that a representative of the Human Resources Department be present at these meetings.

Compliance Reference:

Assembly Bill (AB) 1825 Fair Employement & Housing Act, Government Code Section 12940(a), (h), and (i)

Class Duration:

1 hour for employees, 3 hours for managers and supervisors

Language Options:

English, Spanish


Video and lecture/discussion. Participant handbook, company laminated poster, sample policy on a customizable CD.

Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video

Class Objectives:

The meeting format will include a video and lecture/discussion. Each participant will receive a handbook.

  • Introduction
  • Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • How to Recognize Sexual Harassment at Work
  • Responding to Sexual harassment:  What you can Do
  • Responding to Sexual Harassment:  What your Employer is Doing
  • The Investigation Procedure
  • Course Evaluation

Your company will be provided with a laminated poster and a sample policy on a customizable CD to tailor with site specific information for distribution to your employees.

Compliance Reference:

Assembly Bill (AB) 1825 Fair Employement & Housing Act, Government Code Section 12940(a), (h), and (i)

Class Duration:

1 hour for employees, 3 hours for managers and supervisors

Language Options:

English, Spanish


Video and lecture/discussion. Participant handbook, company laminated poster, sample policy on a customizable CD.

Optional Materials:

Training Manual, Training Video