Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan


The goal of this course is to thoroughly review the facilities storm water pollution control plan and best management practices with the persons which have an active roll in implementing the plan.

Compliance Reference:

California State Water Resources Control Board

Class Duration:

4-24 hrs depending on the type of work being done

Language Options:

English, Spanish


Video presentations and site specific discussions.

Optional Materials:

Training Manual

Class Objectives:

At the completion of this training session, the participants will be acquainted with the following information:

  • Develop a better understanding of the critical concepts behind Storm Water Pollution Prevention, the EPA Storm Water Programs, and the NPDES Permits.
  • Learn about the minimum requirements for pollution prevention on construction sites and the latest amendments and additions to the governing NPDES General Permits (CAS000002 and CAS000003) and other regulations.
  • Proper Selection and Installation of Construction BMPs.
  • Practical exercises on key elements of SWPPP planning & preparation.
  • Gain a more thorough understanding of the required practices (BMPs) for construction activities, with emphasis on estimating the costs.
  • Detailed review of SAP requirements, preparation methods, and tools
  • Spill Response
  • Employee Responsibilities
  • Evidence of Potential Storm Water Pollutants
  • Containment Areas and Material Storage Areas
  • Storm Water Conveyances
  • Storm Water Monitoring Equipment
  • Storm Water Control Facilities
  • Tracking Procedures and Possible Corrective Actions

At the conclusion of the class, each participant will take a written examination and complete a course evaluation.

Compliance Reference:

California State Water Resources Control Board

Class Duration:

4-24 hrs depending on the type of work being done

Language Options:

English, Spanish


Video presentations and site specific discussions.

Optional Materials:

Training Manual