Aerial Devices/Bucket Truck Safety Manual
- $195.00
- The Aerial Devices Safety Manual offers customizable policy and safety information for use with all types of aerial devices and bucket trucks. This manual is applicable for both general industry and construction purposes. Provides safety information,…
Bloodborne Pathogens Manual
- $195.00
- Step-by-step detailed procedures are provided to comply with current standards for bloodborne pathogens. Using this customizable manual in your company will increase awareness of H1N1, HIV, and Hepatitis B in your employees. Written program and reference…
Chemical Hygiene Program Manual
- $225.00
- The purpose of the Chemical Hygiene Manual is to protect the health and safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be exposed to chemicals. The program offers customizable policy and safety information for establishing…
Confined Space Entry Program Manual
- $195.00
- The purpose of the Confined Space Entry Program is to protect the health and safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be exposed to confined space operations. The program offers customizable policy and safety…
Construction Emergency Medical Services Plan Manual
- $175.00
- Designed in an easy-to-follow format, it contains all the required information to customize a construction site-specific emergency medical service plan. This program is a thorough reference and employee training guide.
Crane and Hoist Program Manual
- $185.00
- The purpose of the Crane Safety Manual is to protect the health and safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be affected by the presence of cranes and hoists. The program offers customizable policy…
Emergency Action Plan Manual
- $295.00
- Designed in an easy-to-follow format, it contains all the required information to customize a site-specific emergency response plan for your facility. This program is a thorough reference and employee training guide.
Employee Orientation Program Manual
- $295.00
- Available and formatted for general industry and construction, the employee orientation program provides guidelines on how to conduct effective training for new employees and refresher training for long-time employees.
Energy Control Plan Lockout/Tagout Program Manual
- $185.00
- The purpose of the Lockout/Tagout Program is to protect the safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be exposed to moving parts. The program offers customizable policy and safety information for establishing company policy…
Fall Protection Manual
- $185.00
- The Fall Protection Program includes the essential elements of protecting employees while exposed to fall hazards. The program offers customizable policy and safety information for establishing company policy and assignment of responsibilities. This program is a…
Fire Prevention Plan Manual
- $195.00
- The Fire Prevention manual provides extensive information on fire prevention. It includes training on working safely with flammable liquids. A format to customize a fire prevention plan for your facility is also included. This program is…
Flagger and Traffic Control Instructor Manual
- $225.00
- Motorists kill about 20 flaggers each year. Flaggers have an important job. They’re responsible for guiding vehicles and pedestrians through or around construction areas while protecting on-site workers. That’s why it’s so important for flaggers to…
Forklift Training Manual
- $295.00
- The Forklift Training Manual is a comprehensive manual for the company and forklift operators. The program offers customizable policy and safety information for establishing company policy and assignment of responsibilities. It teaches employees engineering principles, operator…
Hazard Communication Manual
- $195.00
- Formatted to comply with California and Federal OSHA standards, the purpose of the Hazard Communication Program Manual is to protect the safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be exposed to hazardous materials.
Hearing Conservation Manual
- $185.00
- Though is seems simple, protection of hearing is an easily missed component of safety programs. This manual is designed to reduce the risk of hearing loss in the workplace. Simple guides for helping to determine where…
Heat Illness Prevention Manual
- $165.00
- The Employee Handbook includes information on situations leading to heat-related illnesses, heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, how the body reacts to heat, recognizing symptoms of heat stress, preventing heat-related illnesses, first aid, and more.…
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Benzene Manual
- $185.00
- The purpose of the Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Benzene Program Manual is to protect the health and safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else that may be exposed to these chemicals. The program offers customizable policy…
Injury and Illness Prevention Program Construction Manual
- $235.00
- Potential for injuries on the construction site are numerous and the Construction Injury and Illness Prevention Program includes the essential elements to protect the safety of workers, subcontractors, and anyone else exposed to the construction site.
Injury and Illness Prevention Program General Industry Manual
- $225.00
- The General Business and Industry Injury and Illness Prevention Program contains procedural and administrative guidelines for the manufacturing industry required safety program. It includes the essential elements to protect the safety of workers and visitors to…
Power Press Safety Manual
- $185.00
- Formatted to comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and California and Federal OSHA standards, the purpose of the Power Press Safety Program is to protect the safety of workers, and anyone else affected by the…
Respiratory Protection Manual
- $195.00
- Detailed procedures are provided in the Respiratory Protection Program to comply with current standards for respiratory safety. The program offers customizable policy and safety information for establishing company policy and assignment of responsibilities.
Scaffold and Ladder Safety Manual
- $195.00
- Scaffold and Ladder Safety is an essential program for contractors and general manufacturers. It is a two-part manual, offering customizable policy and safety information for use with all types of scaffolds and ladders.
Sexual Harassment Program Manual
- $195.00
- The purpose of this manual is to clearly present the new legal requirements mandated by state law, in order to educate your employees, supervisors and managers. The goal is to prevent and help to eliminate this…
Substance Abuse Policy Manual Manual (Dept. of Transportation)
- $185.00
- The Drug and Alcohol Policy Manual offers customizable policy and procedures required by general contractors and government projects for high hazard jobs. It includes supervisor and employer training information.